The Python build-in funtion type can be used to check the type of a object.
Try the following code:
g = 1 print(g, " g is ", type(g)) g = 5/2 print(g, " g is ", type(g)) g = 5//2 print(g, " g is ", type(g)) g = False print(g, " g is ", type(g)) g = True * 1 print(g, " g is ", type(g)) g = "Hello" print(g, " g is ", type(g)) g = ['hello', 'how', 'are', 'you'] print(g, " g is ", type(g)) g = [1, 2, 3, 'you'] print(g, " g is ", type(g)) print(g[0], " g[0] is ", type(g[0])) print(g[3], " g[3] is ", type(g[3])) g = 3 + 2j print(g, " g is ", type(g))