Example to implement Radiobutton of Python Tkinter.
#for Python 2 #import Tkinter as tk #for Python 3 import tkinter as tk import platform def quit(): global tkTop tkTop.destroy() tkTop = tk.Tk() tkTop.geometry('500x300') tkLabelTop = tk.Label(tkTop, text=" http://hello-python.blogspot.com ") tkLabelTop.pack() strVersion = "running Python version " + platform.python_version() tkLabelVersion = tk.Label(tkTop, text=strVersion) tkLabelVersion.pack() strPlatform = "Platform: " + platform.platform() tkLabelPlatform = tk.Label(tkTop, text=strPlatform) tkLabelPlatform.pack() tkButtonQuit = tk.Button( tkTop, text="Quit", command=quit) tkButtonQuit.pack() def rbCallback(): varLabel.set("Radiobutton clicked: " + str(rbVar.get())) rbVar = tk.IntVar() rb1 = tk.Radiobutton( tkTop, text="One", variable=rbVar, value=1, command=rbCallback) rb1.pack(anchor=tk.W) rb2 = tk.Radiobutton( tkTop, text="Two", variable=rbVar, value=2, command=rbCallback) rb2.pack(anchor=tk.W) rb3 = tk.Radiobutton( tkTop, text="Three", variable=rbVar, value=3, command=rbCallback) rb3.pack(anchor=tk.W) varLabel = tk.StringVar() tkLabel = tk.Label(tkTop, textvariable=varLabel) tkLabel.pack() tk.mainloop()